Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Pumpkin Birthday Cake WITH Cream Cheese Icing

I love cookies, pies, oooey gooey brownies, but I gotta say I have never been a real big fan of cake. I don't know why. I think it's my extreme love of chocolate, nothing competes. But this cake is AWESOME! It's really really good AND super easy to make!

A coworker gave me this recipe and I had to give it a shot, becasue it was so easy and because you don't really get that many opportunities to use pumpkin on any given day. A friend of mine happens to really like pumpkin things, and was also having a Birthday (he's old!), so it was a perfect opportunity to give this one a shot.

2 cups Flour
2 tsp Cinnamon
1 tsp Baking Powder
2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups oil (mmhmmm thats why its so moist and yummy!)
4 eggs
2 cups canned pumpkin
1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice

Side note: I hate nutmeg, so I leave out the pumpkin pie spice and bump up the cinnamon to 3 tsp.

Mix all ingredients, pour into two greased and floured cake pans, and bake at 350 for 35-40 mins.

See?! I told you it was easy!

But the frosting is what makes it!

8 oz (room temp really really helps) cream cheese
1/4 lb butter (again rm. temp is much easier)
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 box of powerdered sugar (I have never in my whole life bought or even seen powdered sugar in a box, so I had no idea what that meant... I just added by the 1/2 cup until it tasted good, just go for it!)

Mix all ingredients and beat the crapola out of it with a hand mixer. It will get really nice and fluffy, and ohhhhhh sooooooo gooooood!

It was pretty darn awesome. 


  1. Looks awesome! Especially for as easy as it sounds. Typically, I'm not big on cake either. Just not chewy enough - I'm big on texture.
    I have several pumpkin recipes that I go to frequently. Our favorite cookie is a pumpkin chocolate chip - leans more toward cakey texture as opposed to chewy. Has some oats thrown in for good measure.
    The pumpkin cake that I make also includes chocolate chips and gets a drizzle of melted chocolate or a dusting of powdered sugar. The texture leans more towards a pound cake with that one. Really simple and goes into a bundt pan.
    Then there's a pumpkin roll with a cream cheese based filling. Let me know if you're interested in any recipes.


  2. ohhhh wow! All of the above, please! Especially the roll... and the bundt. I like the more dense stuff so bring em on!
